it isn't a breath weapon? it uses the breath template and well is shoot via the mouth of the salamander. :P
wait! brettonian knights got S5? That's extreme!
hehe... misplaced sounds better. :smug: Where did he go? I seem to have misplaced my 5th skink, well let's put this much cooler skink here then....
Actually I think that if a razordon misfires when it S&S it stops, and don't resolve any other results.
nope, it should only be a -1" on the movement, fleeing is a separate movement. ;)
who said that I was implying realism? you implied that not letting the chief fly is not realistic in a NON-realistic game. :P well, just my...
WHAA! green text! MY... MIND! Well as you said 2 crew is required to fire the guns, skinks chief mister cool here says: - Hey you lousy bum you...
champions are characters so it should affect them too.
Aren@ it's skink brave, not skink chief. ;) I never use braves, they're a point sink that I can get more saurus for.
hehe, dragons eating steam powered tanks... I agree with you. :P But we are GW approved in using the skink chiefs Bs on ONE blowpipe or a giant...
well, the ruination of cities can't be cast by kroak any more either blackhawk. ;) That's mazdamundi. :P
If we leg it, we can live to fight another day! -slugga boy Dawn of war. hehe.
well, they might not have all the same feelings, saurus getting depressed because there friend died... yea right. But they might have a different...
DoW are the squats of fantasy. :P Well, I didn't even think of that DoW was removed, don't care either. :P It's pretty weird thou that some of...
the razordons wins on several points for me. 1.salamanders look horrible! razordons don't 2.arty dices anyone? 3.double arty dices when charged!...
well, you could always have a go with lore of death, and use the models that shahryar suggested.
well I guess I were tired from some work or something, but I usually mix stuff up, just not the language. O.o first time only. :P
I think kroak is a rather bad mummy frog in the current book, for his 600+ points you get 4pool dice and a spell that's the same as burning...
That's SWEET! *with really dark voice* Headshot! gotta try it out, as soon as as I get some lizzies.
you could use the ward until you get into combat. ;) Maybe that's what you meant, but anyway.