hang on is unfathable presence the magic reistance one or ethereal one. He is suppose to be magic resistant. The reason for this i s i lost my...
micro pens are great for eyes. you can get them on ebay quite cheap
got a game against tomb kings in a couple of weeks. I know this guy fields a big block of these 9 i think. Whats the best way of dealing with...
i like that build - 2 to hit most things will only hit on 6s
ok but is it a pretty good all comers list. Ive never seen alist with 3 saurus blocks before 4 including temple guard.
so does anybody have an opinion on this list. critic welcome
im not 100% but if you and oponant have always strike last you hit at the same time regardless of I . i think it is when a model has ASF and ASL...
So off to another tournement next month so have revised the list i took last. slann , bsb , focus mystery,focused rumination,unfathomble...
another list i had dropped the cohorts and terradons for another block of 24 saurus. what do you think of that?
i just thought to small cheap units wont matter if they die plus its an extra 10 poison shots per unit. with the swarms would you go 2 units of 1...
slann bsb disapline standard focus mystery,rumination,unfathomable cupped hands lore of light skink preist dispell scroll scar vet, coldone...
is it worth swapping the razordon for salamander or drop it for a unit of chameleons
jungle poisons if different to poison attacks as jungle poisons only work with missle weapons and not close combat.
ok so switch razordon for another sally. If i drop cupped hands and the dragon gem then i can get focus mystery on the slann. warrior bane is so...
This is a quick list I ran up for a tournement next weekend. Bare in mind Im pretty much using all my models apart from steg and carno. slann...
ok do you think 3 units of 21 is overkill ?
Will be running in a 2600 tournement soon and have 60 saurus to use. What would be better 2 units of 30 or 3 units of 20. The rest of the army...
where abouts in the DE does it say they get lore master if they take dark magic. I cannot find it
how does greedy fist effect slann ? can it target someone in a unit?
I treat the poisning of skelies as from a skink as a really good shot that knocks skelie head off. He he makes armour save then it wasnt completly...