Is it true that flame cage and the net spell (light) do not work on ethereals. This to me seems really stupid as they are magical and do magical...
But is one model in a unit has stupidity the whole unit has stupidity which makes the unit ITP .
Ok heres a question. If i have an oldblood and give him light armour that means I couldnt give him lets say glittering scales but could I give him...
He had his vampire lord ,2 cheap vamp casters and a necro all in bunkers. The 3 vamps all had MOTBA so his magic phases were all fantastic ....
yeah i know that. Its just when 8th came out all VC players moaned they couldnt 1 dice it anymore due to the not enough power rule. But the guy I...
The terrorgheist seriouly needs to be toned down. Ive played 2 battles against it and it just destroys everything. Every time i got a wound or 2...
If i were to cast the signiture spell from lore of death at a ridden monster can i target the monster? how about a spell from another lore...
Ok so does mean they are being cast in resin this month or being realeased this month (september) if they are only being cast this month any idea...
Ok so I heard the new finecast slann is most likly out in september but what i wanna know is when there will be finecast kroxigors/terradons ? and...
ok thanks for the tips. The shooting attack is what worries me most. Does it get to stand and shoot if charged?
I have heard the VC new terrorgheist is pretty leathel just wondering if any lizardmen player has played against one yet and if theres any ways to...
so if the casting value is met it goes off but 2 or more 6s means a roll on both miscast tables but the spell still goes off.
ok so no IF on cataclyismic spells and miscast on 2 or more 6s. If you miscast is the spell not cast eg. a spell that is 20+ to cast i roll 6...
not sure will have to check. I suppose if the lore is acended you get a bonus to casting but wheather thats enogh remains to be seen. If anyone...
Got the book yesterday just got a quick question. I was wondering if a wizard fails to meet the casting value can he no longer cast as in the main...
thanks for the advice. The thing is last time we played I won every game. I dont want to win every game I would just like a chance of not being...
Why is it all i see vampire players say is oh we arnt as good in 8th theyve weaked us. Well its rubbish. Played 2 games against them the other day...
ok what do you guys think about this list. wanted a fun list but also with a chance of winning although that isnt important. lord - lord kroak...
I wonder if the new coldones come on their own or in a pack. As they have no saddles should be easy to just stick a saurus coldone rider on top...
thought i would post here as its sort of relivent. this is my carno list but its for 2400. mainly play against VC what do you guys think....