Just a heads up you have over spent on rare at 2000 points you can only spen 500 on rare 25%.
thanks for the tips. With my saurus are 2 units of 20 enough. The major thing i was worried about was his gg unit. I think hes planning buffing...
ok i have played a few lower points battles against this vampire player and won most of them. The problem i have is it seems vampire counts get...
yeah sorry i misunderstood. I thought you ment with a priest and EOTG. My bad
to the poster a couple posts above. regrowth says in the spell that it cannnot be used to heal characters or their mounts. although not sure how...
Another sneaky thing a vamp player i played the other week was 1. count manfred with 2 arcane items a staff that gives +1 to cast and dispell...