Today, I had hoped to get my Lord Ordinator done, but my toddler woke up early. I'll probably start planning and packing for Annual Training in a...
:-) She said I could as she was volunteering at church yesterday evening. The game went ok, though we called it when my opponent won the roll off...
Ooh. I think I'm going to steal that.
Yesterday I bought Malign Portents and jailbroke my Kindle Fire so I can actually read it on there. Today, I hope to have a little time to paint....
Yeah, I'm hoping there will be some cross compatability.
I like him. He is a single pose model and doesn't have a helmet, but it looks good. I'll be doing my own paint scheme, of course, as I really...
I may have pick up a box or three of those when they come out. I wonder if they'll come out with Oathmark rules for them?
Primed my Lord Ordinator and clipped ten Handgunners off the sprue.
Welcome back! Just a couple pieces of general advice. First, don't be afraid to branch out and try new colors, etc. The new GW paints make things...
I'll drop by the GW store tonight on my way home and get the Lord Ordinator and my two boxes of Handgunners. May be a couple days before I can...
Well, that's your problem. Hoping. This is Malign Portents. "The Age of Hope is dead."
Last bit of work for a while. I'm not going to be able to do much painting over the weekend due to work. But I got a bit done while my daughter...
I love cardstock terrain. Where did you pick these up? I have a bunch of free stuff I've collected over the years, but am always looking for more.
Perry Miniatures Foot Knights from the Agincourt line. I posted the pictures to my painting log.
Not sure. Hoping my daughter will nap later this afternoon so I can get some painting in. I may go back and work on my Foot Knights. Either that...
"Virgin sacrifices wanted. No experience necessary."
Just the thought of this curdles my stomach.
I finished five Brettonian archers who are going to be working as Free People archers.
[ATTACH] Finished five archers for my AoS Free Peoples army. This is also a test of the new paint scheme. Just need to base them when the other...