No problem! :-)
Looks awesome! I love the concept and the execution. The pedant in me would like to point out, however, that it isn't actually biplane. It's a...
It's an addendum to the 40K rule book. From what I've read, it contains 1. Vehicle Design Rules, 2. More stratagems, relics, and warlord traits,...
Update: I am about 95% finished with the Orruks for Shadespire, just need to finish some touch up work. But I'm pretty sure it will be another...
[ATTACH] I think these are now at the head of the line for painting.
Happy birthday!
Nice job. I love the bloody sacrificial heart. [ATTACH]
No experience using them, but I've seen similar techniques used to speed produce Tyranid armies. I've been tempted to try it, but never wanted to...
Look like fun. I'll be interested to see what you so with them.
Finished up all the Shadespire models in the main box. Here is the final grouping of the Khorne. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
My Ironjawz are on order with my FLGS, he told me they'll come in next week. Pictures of the Skaven broke today. They look pretty...
Thanks. Blood for the Blood God, FTW! The SCE are based off the colors I used for my Empire knights many moons ago.
First two of the five Shadespire Khorne. I should have the next three done fairly soon. They already have the basecoats on, I just need to finish...
And final pictures of my Shadespire Stormcast Eternals. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I'm not completely happy with the shield on the last one, but...
Finished up my Eternity Warden. I'm not really happy with how I did the gold, particularly on the weapon, but I need a couple paints I don't have...
I don't even want to try. Ok, I will at some point. But 15 years worth of painting minis adds up. Just for starters: I had 3-4k of Lizardmen in...
I am loving the new hive fleet adaptation rules. My hive fleet has been a Kraken splinter fleet since third edition, but I may experiment with...
Someone's been reading a little too much Calvin and Hobbes. Not that that's a bad thing...
Looks good. Unfortunately, I'm already mostly done with rebasing the army the other way.