On purpose. I had been trying to get the starry effect on my bases earlier, but it was nowhere near as good. @SlanntaClause suggested a...
[ATTACH] Of course, I'm starting on the Stormcast Eternals rather than the Khorne...
[ATTACH] The Skaven! They're everywhere!!!
I didn't need to start work on a couple side projects. I have too much on my painting plate as it is.[ATTACH] But the new hotness of the...
Picked my copy up today, though I have no idea when I'll be able to play. Maybe one of my nephews will want to try it out later this week.
I'd also add a couple Stegadons when you get a chance. Also, more warriors won't hurt. And an Eternity Warden. You actually have a pretty good...
I keep two types of glue around. I buy Testor plastic cement from Hobby Lobby and Krazy Glue from a lot of places. I think the last batch I bought...
Shadespire is more of a board game than a pure miniatures game.
I'd recommend two. A pair of clippers and an xacto knife. Clippers from GW are fine, I'd buy the knife elsewhere. Hobby Lobby or Michaels will...
Looking forward to mortal empires, although I want to finish the vortex campaign a couple times before I dive into it. And I really don't have...
I remember seeing that. I guess I'm looking for something more official.
I'm still hoping that they'll re-release the books, along with updated 8tb ed. Bretonnia, Skaven, and Beastmen books through their Specialist...
I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping to use it as a casual intro game for friends and family. I'll probably buy all the packs, I kind if want to...
Sounds interesting. I'm not a huge fan of Settlers of Catan, although this version deals with one of the major issues I have with it, i.e. the...
They are primed with a grey primer I picked up at Wal-Mart years ago. They stopped selling it, but you can probably get a similar effect from...
That moustache is more manly than some guys will be in their whole life.
Back to working on my Saurus as my hobby inclinations turn again. I got inspired by GH 2017 to try and get my painted Sunclaw Starhost on the...
I don't have as much experience as you, but you might consider a Salamander instead of a Razordon and a Stegadon with sunfire throwers. That way,...
So, anyone have any thoughts about how this list style list might look under GH 2017? My idea is: Oldblood on Carnosaur 3x Scarvet on Carnosaur 10...
And the elf-things. And the orc-things. And the skaven-things-that-are-not-my-skaven-things...