And this is why my family brings Swiss army knives to unwrap presents. Because you never know when you will need one...
Oh, come on. I love High Elves. Not as gamey as Wood Elves and Dark Elves have just a hint of rottenness about them that spoils the taste.
Preloaded and waiting for it to open with baited breath. Lizardman, then Skaven. Not sure if I'll ever play as either of the elf races.
I had two friends who had twins in NICU for a couple weeks. They thought the incubators looked enough like the capsules from Aliens that they did...
[ATTACH] Had a couple minutes to work on a project, so started painting a giant snake statue to use as a terrain piece.
Am I the only one who finds it odd/hilarious when a store puts the condoms right next to the pregnancy tests?
That would have been nice. Although I wonder what they would have done with it. More tomb raiders and explorers than a focus on playing the...
Yeah, it's that easy. The issue is on my end, finding time to input all the info. I have very limited hobby time right now and even a small 15...
I'm more of a Kroq Gar type player, but I don't like that he starts in the Southlands or that he has a higher difficulty starting level, so I will...
Warhammertv had tutorials on YouTube when they first came out. Do a quick search for the paint and they should pop up.
I think my favorite feature is the inventory. "These are the ones I have, these are the ones I need." Now I just have to input all my info and...
As am I.
Seriously? At least it didn't involve a weighted bag...
Give it time. The aliens are coming. Both the Eldar and Tyranid books should be out by the end of the year. And who knows what next year will bring.
Actually, you can probably buy a laptop that will run it for $300-$400. But that can be out of most of our price ranges too.
That is awesome. I'm suitably impressed. Also, I can't think of a better use of your time during the storm than painting. I think that's what I...
True. I just went ahead and got it. I can mine it for ideas if nothing else. I bought a hard copy of the 2nd ed. rulebook years ago, but never ran...
Hmm. Might have to get that. Not that I have time to run WFRP RIGHT now, but maybe some day.
I'd try leaving them in longer. I've had mixed success with LA Awesome, but I think it depends on the base paint and primer used more than anything.
I'm actually ok with having her as a new hero. I'm excited that we get a lady this time.