Yeah, I'm thinking a Multithreat Overload style list might work. The first wave needs to be fast stuff that hits turn one or is right in his face....
See my post a couple above yours.
Personally, I say play him again. But make him show you _everything_ in the rule book before you let him do it. And bring your Order book to...
I think the Thrall Warhost is a better match. 1-6 Sorceresses (can be on a dragon), 1 Black Guard, 1 Executioner, 3-6 Dreadspears, Bleakswords, or...
I haven't played enough to be sure on this. I want to try my hormagaunt and genestealer again. I think their speed and ability to ignore morale...
Ok. I found it. He is running a Thrall Warhost. He's not playing it right, though if it's what you described. "At the beginning of the game, pick...
How so? I took a short look at their rules the other night, although I wouldn't claim to be any kind of an expert. The fact that you can use...
What was his general? With a command ability that powerful, I'd want to see it in print. Not because I don't believe that is what it does, but...
Finally able to paint a little last night. I decided to work on some space marines for my borrow/teaching army. Behold the Sons of Wrath....
"Holy rusted metal, Batman!"
Sounds like you have a decent size army. Those starter sets end up making pretty good sources for an unplanned Space Marine army.
I'd strip them down and paint them to match the Ultramarines.
I haven't. Based on my general experience with Tyranids though, it shouldn't be that big an issue. Tyranid arms tend to be ball and socket as...
Yeah, it was a learning game, so I'm not too worried about it. I need to be better at keeping my units mutually supporting each other. The second...
OK are neutral.
I got two games of new 40k today. It was fun, though I lost both games. Partly due to hanging my hive tyrant out without support, partly because I...
Tyranids are a great army and a really interesting analog to Lizardman, based on the natural armor and varied color schemes. They were my first...
I had a friend who played a Lizardman with a minigun in a TORG game I ran a few years back.
Ok. That is really not nice of them. I cannot afford the preorder this month. Maybe next month. Between the $200 I dropped on the Torg:Eternity...
Cassowary are pretty interesting birds. They also taste delicious.