Hi. I played at the School League for my school's WHFB team. We won and got through to the Internationals but bizzarely our school did not allow...
It depends on the size of game you are playing. However, I'd go with units of 20 in 5 by 4, or units of 24 in 6 by 4. Perhaps give the units of 24...
I'm assuming that you mean you're playing using the 7th edition Lizardmen book, and the 8th edition Warhammer rulebook. I'm confused. Please...
How come you are going with 15-man Saurus units? They will die to good enemy shooting such as cannons or a lucky doom rocket shot. I'd go with one...
GW needs to release a new model called the Thunder Lizard. I'd give it M7, WS6, BS0, S8, T7, W7, I3, A6, LD7. Add to that Heroic Killing Blow, 3+...
Saurus are tough enough to weather a frontal charge from almost anything (with the exception of maybe Blood Knights), and put out enough attacks...
Yeah, Pit of Shades would work. How about an Oldblood with Ogre Blade (+3 str.), and potion of foolhardiness, on a cold one? He costs less than...
Stegadons are okay if put a skink chief on top of them with the Stegadon Warspear. 2D6 Str. 5 hits (avergae of 7 str. 5 hits) can hurt. Bolt...
Kroak own Undead but that's about it. Oxytol might get lucky and kill and character but nothing much more.
I could drop two skinks and take another saurus...
Charge it with kroxgiors. I think you'd autohit it, and str. 6 is okay. Maybe use some buff spells on the krox...
I went with 20 saurus and 3 krox for my infantry, add that to 17 skinks and a scar veteran with sigil word. And a salamander. I won all three...
Yep, I agree with Coatl. I have lots of experience with Lore of Heavens as I only really play small School League games with Lizardmen, so I love...
I don't normally play big games. However, Saurus are a real "block of iron" against all but the enemy's most elite combat units (such as Blood...
I'd have to drop the skinks unit which leaves 119 points. My original total was 797 points. So, that's 10 chamelons. 24 Poisoned Shots... he he he. :D
I won't know because it's a tournament. But I saw several Skaven, Empire, High Elves, and Goblins in the last round. I particularly find it very...
In 800 points, what is the most likely opposition and how do I deal with it?
There's one word for that: OVERPOWERED. A good Dark Elf players will hide his wizard and then unleash that combo. Maybe kill the sorceress with a...
What? The one in Mars? Humans are in trouble then.
TG not worth it if you don't have Slann really. For an extra 5 point you get +1 WS, and +1 Str (halberds). Stubborn doesn't come in as ther's no...