Cold ones don't have a musician.... I always have 6 cold ones and a vet in 1 unit, with 1 in the back rank accomplishing nothing, do you think I...
My ally did have fanatics- they just didn't do much except scare the entire left half of the board from moving
Ok so if I drop my champ and a saurus and my skink assassin who sucks thall give me 108 pts.... damn 12 points off maybe if i drop 1 of 6 cold...
what about a unit of 5 and a unit of 4?
Anyone got an answer?
The question is can a character leave his unit in the same turn that that unit charges into close combat? im pretty sure it's illegal but we...
Alas that combo does not work because both of those magic items come from the same section :( and therefore you cannot take both
it's up, enjoy the read and please answer my nooby question :jawdrop: :meh:
Army lists Lizardmen Scar vet Kai-Tli with Mirror shield, Burning blade of chotec, Cold one and light armor Skink priest Tehe-Xili with lvl 2,...
Ok, I really love the models for these guys and I am definitely gonna have some in my 2k army, I love everything about chameleons and the fluff...
It was a bonebath- undead don't have much blood :D and ill see if i can get it up later today...
Im logged in and i wrote up a HUGE battle report... but when i went to submit it it logged me out and i lost it their anyway to...
Yes...I have neither in my army... I have instead my skink "assassin" (FSOD with 2 hand weapons) however I haven't tried him yet and in the end I...
However the carno lord not being a large target means he can be skink screened!!!!
DUDE THAT MUST HAVE HURT!!! Dispell scrolls are in order, bring the diadem next time on priest (VERY GOOD) All in all it seems just like the...
Agreed... also try and get the TG up to 16 earning you a 3+ rank bonus!
I believe the new term for 40k is Apocalypse battles... and blood bowl looks awesome and reletively inexpensive too!
Im in high school french immersion and my french grammar has less mistakes then in that book...
Get a sally... but without magic you will be magiked to death pretty fast...
I agree