U forgot to mention skaven...they get magical ranged stuff too!
even on the charge i tend to use spears because if i get stuck in multiple rounds of close combat i might REALLY need those extra attacks
I agree with strew, i always have a unit of blowpipe skirmishers and will run a unit of ranked skinks in 2000 point list, mainly for flanking and...
I myself recommend bumpinh the TG up to 16 as this will give you a +3 rank bonus, also you have no hard hitters like he said, maybe some Cold...
Sallies also rip nights to shreds.... better if u fire at their flanks though :D
i deploy all of my skirmishers as meat shields for the saurus and tempies, also they are very good for hiding my skink assassin... (FSOD)
I plan on giving my revered guardian sword of the hornet.... so far its been very good
I was going to try that tactic last game.... but i forgot that undead don't break lol! But my skaven and orcs opponenets won't be so lucky....
the ring i believe only affects u if u target a unit withing its radious, and yes it does affect DE too. Anyone thought about a assassinating...
Im going to be using ranked skinks and a unit of skirmishers blowpipes which are good becuz... 1) the enemy can't hit them easily 2)they are...
Maybe try dropping the krox and getting a unit of cold ones to protect him..... might have to drop something else though, but this would be even...
Hurah!!!!! "start asking kkboy if he's done yet repeatedly untill he's punched in the face"
correct, and as mentioned they can't march and shoot but who cares! Template+auto-panic+horde=OWNED
Pyramid vault? waaaaaat?
why not if piranha blade and bane head are combined, does it do 4 or 3 wounds? and following up on that... Does maiming shield get to use always...
eeeeeeep, maybe wanna rethink that on his own? you know jsut incase empire cannons blow him up?
Thanks.... took a total of 3 hours becuz it made me re-loggin the first time.... but i copiedit the second time, and it did it again, luckily all...
you should use that slaan in games...... try keeping the temple guard under him though cause that is jsut badass, i was thinking of doing that to...
my god..... light and death are looking alot more usefull witht eh slaan and the 12" bubble....run headlong into battle and incinerate as you go...
Yes welcome from canada (woot we are the best)