"starts poking kkboy like a skink pokes a salamander" Faster!!!!!! lol :D
interesting list... incidently if there is points to spare, you might wanna give the scar-vet the bane head (is the Cone a magic item or cold one...
even if we all disagree it won't be fully solved until a FAQ is created :(
I'm bette than you al becuz today was a fog day and i didn't haf to go anywhere... and elfin lied is awesome! lol
Thank you :D
greetings..... and nice pictures here
I will have to remember that sneaky tactic myself....
neither do I, which is why my lord of choice is the slaan of doom with the 4+ save and hiding behind a bunch of temple guard!
TY but i meant can mages cast while they are in close combat..... says nothing other than that they can't use magic missiles
ya but how does the hornet blade help that? The assassin will strike first anyways...
The carno won't just hold the unit.... give him enchanted shield, the scimitar of the sun resplendant, and 5+ ward with light armor and thats a 0+...
If anyones seen there book, i could ahve swore a rule was they could only react to a charge by holding, but im not sure.... im thinking of...
To bad skinks don't get close combat poison.... they should when they are ranked up.
In my opinion you may lack in killing enemy characters.... damn that great weapon wielding tomb prince! but anyways seems pretty solid but if it...
I was thinking of trying out a dual hand weapon with cloak and poison chief.... but there are 2 magic items in there however I like to save money...
yep it does :D we play together the four of us and since we've already done tk n me vs orcs n skaven and a non reported me and orcs vs tk and...
As promised here it is....a 1500 point per army in a 2 vs 2 pitched battle... sry about the fluff twist!...
Ty :D
Well Seeing as my enemies are orcs, skaven and tk......
2nd list is better but....... drop both ranked up units of skinks and get another sally w extra handler and then change the bighting blade for...