Ur probably right... and my friend plays eldar and he says that it mentions that the eldar were gifted some items from the old ones.... so how can...
can't have the 3rd extra handler on sallies.... 1 per pack.... anyways the list overall seems pretty good
They probably won't be returned any time soon.... but if they were maybe the other races could get there gods (all as special characters)......
I know magic and shooting can be hard sometimes..... I play against the skaven after all (although my friends cool and doesn't play SAD armylists)...
Re: 300 point club I would join becuz i need serious motivation (so far only priest, 16 saurus, 24 skinks, and a scar-vet done with a chief on...
Im betta than u all cuz I r a FROSH (lol)
Oxen stands could be usefull to save points.... like rallying your last COR and hiding him away so that the enemy only gets 1/2 of the points.......
As a kid with practically no income prices are hard enough to get as it is......better finish my army and fast! :jawdrop:
Aha but it was we the great lizardmen who's mighty stand against the daemons kept them from overwhelming the world before the elves could...
Still with 2x multiple shot and skirmishing he needs 5s to hit and thats if he is not at long range..... saurus on the other hand will be hit...
also skink skirmishers with javelins are very good assassins.... use em to kill mages and bsb's
if he is going to magic you to death i have one thing to say.... we are the true masters of magic....take heavens and drop a freaking comet onto...
Well why not, i mean cmon who hear doesnt want to talk about there armies/heroes glorious history?
ty for your help
just a couple of questions... does burning alingment affect units in cc? and can the priest use engine poweres in cc??? Also i might burning...
skinks are good at charging... they are very good assassins :bored: (you will see in my next battle report..... just need the notes from my...
I play tk,skaven n orcs
Do you trample forward, sit back? I'm not sure what to do as its attacks are all fairly short range but you absolutely wanna keep the priest safe.
Brilliant..... the BoRT will cut clean through all of those dragon princes....and the carnosaur speaks for itself with str 7, only problem is they...