whats tyrions leadership????? The blade of realities is looking really really nice for you right about now (if he has 8-9 leadership he should die...
Same board every time???????? Cuz when i play we just have new terrain every time (look around the house for stuff + we don't even have a real...
Depends on what you wanna drop but i recommend a unit of terradons (warmachine hunting...and after that hunt mages and skirmishers :bored: )
I agree, burning blade is better... just got back from torching a tomb prince instantly with it and bane head....battle report coming soon. :D...
Really could have swore it was only scrolls
Now the only question is why no one likes to comment on my reports :D
Welcome... I too live somewhat north Canada's the best PS:because we have awesome bacon... and we love hockey :D anyways welcome
Hopefully GW makes a FAQ soon... when im buying them at the store i might ask one of the incompetent employess though :D
Powerstones are arcane items also so i believe you cannot take them along with the cupped hands
AMEN to the skink screen :D
SO SNEAKY :bored: you just love to find all my posts an comment dont you :D
As would i...... I have an idea.... what if you started with the standard 5 by 2 procedure, and once you lose a few guys, (say you got about like...
Supposedly the "RAT TORPEDO" is a preferred way of crippling most enemies if you are a skaven..... for them it is 7 models but we would have to...
Really??? Thats awesome... has GW clarified this or is it just like another rule we have until a FAQ comes out?
How did you manage to paint them that well???? :jawdrop:
Nice :meh:
The list now looks like this slaan - focused ruminationa, focus of mystery, BSB, dispell scroll and cupped hands 420 pts Skink priest - level...
If terradons fly over a target and drop rocks forcing the enemy to make a panic test, which way do they flee???? Because when the rocks actually...
Its such a dirty tactic... black orcs have 1 attack to start... and I would get a champion if i had the points but having an extra cheap flanker...