OMG!!!!! By turning the skinks with javs into ranked, I save 200 points an can make that exact change :D
Will do... but what to do with that 200 points..... its driving me insane
First of all, the skaven use this tactic because there is no rule about the snake formation (ie minimum numbers in ranks) and the whole point of...
Yes, yes I am :bored: Just think of the possibilities... starts dreeming about saving his TG and Slaan from a particularly nasty ranked up unit...
Welcome to the jungle... :D
Interesting topic, but doesnt it say that if the unit that charges kills all of the enemy it is engaged with it can declare an overrun (only on...
I have come up with the dirtiest (and cheapest) lizardmen tactic ever. everyone knows about skaven Rat pack torpedoes right? They use thise...
Interesting thoughts every1 so how would these changes be? making the skirmishers ranked skinks (giving me 30 points to get 200 total) getting...
well some of my opponents do have war machines that are a pain... and my javs have been failing me quite often lately... interesting proposal, one...
TY for some feedback... my last armylist no one said anything about :shifty: Although maybe in the chameleon option I could take away the Scor...
Here is my list, I have 170 points of leeway, feel free to critisize but please help me, I play agaist Orcs, Skaven and Tomb Kings slaan -...
Much better, but how do you intend to get int he terries ?????? (I ussually rely on magic to kill enemy war machines, as all ive faced so far are...
If you switch to BBoC on the scar vet then you will have enough points to switch the tali of protection into the glyph of protection for a better...
if you post your list we can give you more strategies, as we are not sure about what units you have...
Yes, look out sir does work on slaan :D that id why we have the tg!
its no biggy, yes you can when your unit is i close combat, so long as the slaan is not base to base with some1
Sounds like an awesome game! Just one reminder that it seems you cast a spell when u were base 2 base with a model by the mage priest, i thought...
Close to the same as my last one but wondering how it would work slaan with focused ruminationa nd focus of mystery with BSB, dispell scroll and...
I play wit diadem and scroll + lvl 2 so that as hes the only mage in my army (at 1250 points) he can cast a spell and still keep some for...
K ty, ive edited the rest in :D