Aha, thank you. Maybe if the steggie tried to tiptoe...
I am a TK player as well as lizardmen, and I have some advice: If you can spare 160 points for him, Oxyotl is good at sniping the liche priests....
Does the giant bow really get a move-and-shoot penalty when it is the stegadon moving, not the skinks?
My army list is based around taking a bit of everything. I'm aiming for 2,000 points, but it's a bit too big at the moment. Please offer...
Are you by any chance planning to sacrifice this clanrat to Sotek?
O&G are definitely funny, interesting, and surprising to play against. There was once a 3 on 3 game where I was owning the board with a Tomb King...
I think what Cuauhtémoc means, Snowywlf, is that one can use the model to represent a normal Slann priest, not use Kroak with the same strategy as...
It seems odd to me that Chakax doesn't wear light armour, as normal TG do and it seems to me like he is sculpted with it. 4+ scaly skin is good,...
Bravo! You are quite an author!
Interesting that he used so many boar chariots, they didn't seem to be of much use.
I like the Oldblood shield, nice paint job there.
I love the palanquin! And nice job making him "sit"!
I think the idea of Salamander Riders would be great, although I would not like to be around when some bright skink attempts to mount a Razordon...