sigged! :smug: :smug: :smug:
Scarface. "Well, huh, this has got the markings of - so it's definitely alien but it's uh, not a weapon... but I don't trust it, ya know, I...
oh yeah... eek. :jawdrop:
Welcome! New is good!
I would take a stab at it, Celtic, but my knife isn't sharp. (haha I made a pun! :D )
Hey dude, I have a mortar, 16 handgunners, a mounted captain, and a unit of spearmen with shields of I forget what size that I have absolutely no...
I would suggest switching blade of tzunki on your oldblood for scimitar of the sun resplendant, I really like when the oldblood has 8 attacks......
I looked at your photobucket pix too, I like all the white highlights standing out from the earthy colors. I t has a very nice crustacean feel :)
I wish! :D
What about mazdamundi's flaming frogs?
I eagerly await.
You could do with some blowpipes, perhaps drop the skink brave and then upgrade that unit to skirmishers. Check out this lord of change. That's quite a conversion... I must...
I don't think anyone knows that one... I don't... o_O
I use a dispel scroll against your casting invocation of nehek on this thread.
I will dance to your tune, as I am a nimble and dignified elf, unlike you coarse, inarticulate sailors.
Your Slann should cost 395, BSB is 25 pts. And you should definitely give at least one saurus block spears, they do so much pain that way. 2...
Are we thinking, like, Lizardman-meets-Santa Claus here?
Are you suggesting using a Slann's palanquin as the chariot body? Because one of those is so non-aerodynamic it's not even funny. :smug: :smug:...
Dragon armour doesn't protect from steal soul though... right? :chicken: