He wasn't "speaking for others", just articulating a general opinion collected from many of the posts on this site. It wasn't as if he was trying...
I think the target would lose two wounds, but you would only gain one. I believe the wording is that the caster gains a wound in addition to...
SO! YELLOW! :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
This is exactly what I am doing. Just need to paint him.
When there is only one TG left in the unit, does the Slann have to enter the front rank? I know kroxigors must do so in skink units, but I was...
Very well done, I like the contrast of the red shields! :meh:
Welcome! You have chosen well :meh:
I would keep the saurus, if you want points for more skinks drop five chameleons or a razordon and shave down to five cold ones.
I have no problem with the carnosaur model, I think it's supposed to look like a dinosaur version of a jaguar. I liked last edition's dark elf...
I really like the blue scales, nice job!
That is, in a word, beautiful.
I'm sorry, but I can't help rooting for the Tomb Kings. They're my first army, and I just love the way their strategies function. Tomb Princes are...
So if it's supposed to be all green and so on, why isn't it in some sorta edible/usable-for-fuel container? I agree with you Barotok, many...
i know ya eating lunch an' all an' im'a let choo finnish, but MacDonalds has the best poured drinks of ALL TIME. Of ALL TIME.
Starcraft II comes out soon-ish, so great timing.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I'm an LOTR fan myself, this is really funny :D...
Phew, 9 chameleons... Very yellow! The color scheme makes this group very cohesive. I really like those colors on the salamander, I'm not sure...
I love sallies, and this one looks well painted (despite photo quality). Good job :artist:
o_O What's zip kicker?
I'm in again. Maybe the assassins could be convinced to wait until we reach land to start killin' us? A ship needs a crew...