That is a SWEET weapon! And where did you get the helmet/hat?
hmmmm.... your hilts are kinda bulky, but I like the idea :pompus:
If you want to field a small army with a big punch, I would say to drop, for example, all 10 camo skinks and one of the terradon units and 25 pts...
Is MoT mean mark of tzeentch? If so, what does it do?
Wow, there is no majority vote so far, and we're ripping ourselves apart. :rolleyes:
I don't know, I think the black player has a slight advantage. That game's too cheesy for me. They should roll to see who goes first. :D :D :D...
Seconded. Good advice! :jimlad:
Very good analysis :pigeon: Strewart, that makes sense to me.
I agree, I love lvl 2 priests
I'll believe it when I see you model a horned one as well as a cold one onto the same 25x50mm base. The way I see it, a horned one is simply a...
There is an article in the painting and converting section for this, look there.
My necrons codex lost a couple pages the other day, luckily I found them!
Re: 3K Light Cheese list (for taking on DE *shudder*) A 3000 points army with no SAURUS!?!?!?!?!? Not even a JSoD? Take out at least half the...
Never heard of a bitz bag... no GW company stores left in my state :shamefullyembarrased:
How did you end up with half of throt the unclean?? o_O
My trust has weakened in kroxigorsftw... And why would an assassin lurk if it will get them killed? Vote: kroxigorsftw
Not necessarily, since powah stones cost less points than scrolls... The two priests should not cost the same points.
They're listed in his first post.
Split the 20 unit skinks into two units of ten, you get more deployments and can shoot at more different targets.
I dont think those skink priest points values are right...