I normally consider the model as a whole rather than a spell caster with a combat monster, so when I weigh up the combat potential with the magic...
lol thats them, In the later game there was a 2 handed sword that talked as well, so I had to give it to Minsc, just to have 3 personalities on...
Frenzy can be a liability, but I believe as Lizzies we have enough units to channel our frenzied troops in the right direction, this takes a bit...
Or alternately, ask Boo the Miniature Giant Space Hampster!!! (note: may only be understood by those familiar with the games)
True, though if this unit was in CC the slann would then technically be "in combat" so he couldn't really utilise the LOS advantages. Another...
So, presuming your unit starts 5 wide, when the frontage reduces to 3 the slann is moved forward
Thank you Barotok, you put into words something I was far too livid about to be able to submit a "forum acceptable" post! On the topic of EotG Im...
ahh... don't know if my local groups will accept it then, though I'll see what I can wheedle in, thanks again!
Great! Thanks a lot! Is it official at all? Im at work so can't pull it atm.....
Unfortunately (at least to me, I love the nasty little fellas!) Chaos Dwarves were last released in Ravening Hordes which pre empted the previous...
Magic defence is probably a big thing as well, especially against VC, are you wanting to include anything in particular in the list? Or even have...
thats an interesting scenario, definately a change from the normal stand and fight... hmm..... many slanns with the same lore and an Eotg to...
I do believe that, as it is generally activated on the Combat Phase, the Helm would overide the spell, think of it this way - WS is 2 or whatever...
Hi folks, I've got a bit of a decision to make and wondered if people would give me their views on the topic......
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/oz-tourney-goers.1357/ Is a bit old but I used it for some comp-related inspiration, though anyone with...
Hi again folks, Am thinking of dropping the Stegs in favour of 2 x 5 lizard Cold one Knight units (with nothing) this would also free up 120...
Regarding the MR2 Knights, it probably goes without saying but unless you like running against the odds and crossing your fingers a lot, I...
Hey all, love the topic! One thing I find handy with my list (mixed Saurus and skinks infantry based) is to deploy either cohorts or skirmishers...
To be honest, I don't find it an overly cheesy list. Sure, you have a fairly elite army, but theres a lot worse out there. You may have 3 Terror...
Hey all, Okay, I'm hoping to attend a few tourneys in the local area and they're judged by the usual Australian panel, so I've got to watch my...