Sorry, Im not really able to add much rules-wise to this post besides a gut feeling that the "intention" (and yes, I did use that word in regards...
The tactic is a little cheese, but you see it on occasion with dwarves using heroes in handgunners with a pistol or (old ones forbid!) having a...
The only other option (though expensive points wise) is to stick a skink chief with Javelin in the unit and stand him at the back, as the whole...
Your best bet might be to give people a rundown, give an idea of points values and what you/ they may be taking.... Generically anti-armour gear,...
Hi All, The problem with the "T" formation is you have to have a larger skink unit to make it viable, otherwise its a lot of effort and messing...
Hi again folks, Well, I've been cruising the local gaming scene of late and talking to my local groups, and there seems to be an awful lot of...
Im with the "No" consencus on this one, Its mainly already been stated, but Temple guard to me are the peak of emotionlessness, even moreso than...
Hi All, The only dogs of War Im ever comfortable fielding is ogres at the moment (from the Ogre Kingdoms book), as all the rest are in the depths...
Re: Revenge of the Nuka-Toad Thanks again all, well, a tweaked list is now up, and Id really appreciate any thoughts on the new one, the Scar...
Re: Revenge of the Nuka-Toad Cheers for the Reply's Folks! @ Hunted, thanks for the tactical advice, I normally run my lists fairly symetrically...
Re: Revenge of the Nuka-Toad Hey again all, Also thinking of swapping out the Soul of Stone for the Cupped Hands and dropping the muso from the...
Cheers for all the responses everyone! The Razordon models are a bit further down my "to buy" list, but I'll post some pics and get some "work in...
Id probably venture a guess that GW endorses the "Thunder Lizard" list to a) showcase the new stegadon in its various forms (ancient, EotG, and...
Ahhh, it makes sense now, sorry, I had no idea what it did
Hi All, Well, the original name of this topic wasn't getting me anywhere, so I had to spice it up to see if having a less informative name worked...
Someone please correct me if Im wrong, but in the current rules I believe a mage can only choose from 1 lore? Hence you don't see Slaans running...
Hi All, Was going to put this in the painting section, but was more after an answer from a Rules/ playability standpoint. Like many people on...
They've attempted to compensate for no ranks with the ogres by giving them the bull charge... they get bonuses to the strength of it for each line...
Another one, if your sending through any more Q&A's... Q: Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, Does the spell that is miscast automatically fail if its...
Either way, was thinking in a Slann based list, if you give him cupped hands, and Bane head, and use Lore of metal, you'd have 2 - 3 chances to...