Salamanders do more than just rock; they roll now too. In my first 8th ed. game against Dark Elves, they ran circles around everything and did...
Welcome aboard! Don't feel too bad about the spears; I've got 50 painted saurus spearmen all lined up to get their arms chopped off to take...
Since the Slann will be with his temple guard, I don't think he'll need the Higher State ability, as he'll get a 2+ Look Out Sir roll. Either...
The gryphon is neat! That's gotta be the best looking box set models ever. I wonder if they're still snap-fit.
No worries, we're all still learning the new rules and it's tough to un-learn stuff from earlier editions. If it wasn't for this forum, I'd still...
Salamanders are a good bet, and maybe some chameleon skinks to hunt war machines. You could also add some more to the cavalry unit, as it's got...
Aha! Drop him right in their midst, throw a ton of dice, and hope for 6's. Hope you don't mind, I'm gonna have to try your strategy in my game...
Thanks for the link!
I'm glad your strategy worked. But... Why did the skink have to get so close to the enemy to cast his spell? I thought the Comet could be...
From what I've seen, the little italicized type by items in army books has always refered only to whom the item can be given, and any limitations...
It says 'another friendly model within 12" regains a wound', not a friendly unit regaining models as per the Regrowth spell. If the model only...
The rules for Terror (page 78) specifically say that you take a Panic check when charged by a terror causing enemy, so it's no different than any...
The only downside to metal is that it's far less than ideal for an 'all comers' tournament type list. But, if you end up playing Empire,...
I think I'm going to try an Oldblood on foot, and try to capitalize on the HW&S parry save stacking with one of the 4+ ward items. If I have the...
Hey, this might make a great synergy with the Doom & Darkness spell. Only trouble is, if they pass their terror check and hold, you're tied up in...
Skrox, I raise my glass to you. That was both succinct and hilarious. :D Salute!
For purposes of war machine hunting and the like, I think chameleons will serve you well. Now their multiple poison shots will negate the high...
Herein lies the problem with the Steam Tank: I hate it enough that I feel compelled to try and kill it regardless of the cost, occasionally at...
Unless they're Skaven, then they just hide in the unit and the banner still works.
Ahhh... much better now with the updated FAQ. T10 is fine, as long as it loses that darn spell immunity. Hm, push it back into terrain with the...