All good points there, and speaking with the voice of reason. I still think the concept is for the most part sound, but for serious games I...
With the new random charge distances, I'm still a little wary of leaving the Slann out in the open without his faithful temple guard. As many...
Chakax can be great, or can be an enormous waste of points depending on the game. I used to play against Warriors of Chaos most of the time, and...
Hey... not a bad idea there with the -2 to hit him. Only potential problem with the Blade of Realities is that the BSB lets you re-roll all...
Well, the Cauldron, the Anvil, and the Casket all used to be indestructible with no wound or toughness profile of their own, and they're all war...
Rock! Guess that decides it for me as to how I'm running my kroxigor... (Que up Twisted Sister album) :D
Well, at least the kroxigor aren't losing any attacks. But can the kroxigors be attacked back in a mixed unit? The FAQ tells us to ignore the...
Awww man... They show Masque getting Look Out Sir... Now I'll never kill it.
Yeah, they made it pretty clear now that special rules that apply to the monster don't affect the rider. No more free frenzy for Oldblood......
The weird thing is, in the new big rule book it still lists it as T6... Wonder if that's a typo in the FAQ.
Whaaaa... Why in the heck is the steam tank now Toughness 10? I thought they were making it a point to amend the rules just enough to make them...
One thing to beware of when using the Burning Blade is that there's two new magic items in the 8th edition rulebook that offer a 2+ ward save...
Always striking last even when they charge is going to hurt these guys. I hit a 10 man Hand weapon & shield Chaos Warrior unit head on with 3x2...
They do get long range penalty now; the only special rule governing javelins is that they are 'quick to fire'. This means they don't get the...
Yeah, I'm well aware it can't negate ranks in 8th, hence wanting to put it with the cavalry to help flank. Too bad about the banner though.
Hmm. The rule says 'any ranged attack', so spells would be included. I think you're on to something here; I know the Daemon players are all...
Re: 1st List If you're new to the game, first of all welcome aboard! Second, remember there's a whole new rulebook coming out on Saturday (where...
Ah, you're right on the points cost there Curly One; I was looking at one of my lists and didn't realize I had items added on too. Still though,...
You'll need at least two ranks of five to negate their ranks on a flank, so your cavalry unit might need to get bigger if that's what you plan on...
Just played a friendly game using a mate of mine's Ogre army against his Empire army, with makeshift 8th edition rules (whatever we could remember...