With losing the ability to strike first when charging, how does everyone plan to equip and use their carnosaurs in 8th? Initiative 4 for the...
Welcome! Great choice for your fantasy army, and even better choice for a discussion forum site.
Looking good; I especially like Lord Kroak and the skink chief.
What besides salamanders and razordons will be counted as "war beasts"? They seem to be pretty unique as far as their unit setup goes. As far as...
After six weeks of constant battles, triumph, and miserable, abject faliure, it all came down to one battle for the Lizardmen in our mighty...
Phhhhheeeehhhhwww!!!! It's all over, and that had to be without question the bloodiest, nastiest, nail-biting game of WFB I've ever played or...
Hmm... I think my best bet will be to leave the TG and Saurus as the only viable targets at first. If he gets the carnosaur before it has a...
I'd like to think that the temple guard will still have the option to switch, since the shield and the halberd are both "upgrades" and we don't...
The end could be near for our final 7th edition Mighty Empires campaign, with the Lizardmen poised at the brink of victory! Through an unexpected...
I don't know about any of the other armies, but I wasn't too impressed with the saurus in the 2000 point 8th edition game I played. Initiative 1...
Tried a practice 8th ed. game against Dark Elves based off the store book we tried to memorize (no wizards for the sake of our sanity)... 40-...
Final Update: Rematched, this time with all rules mutually agreed upon and closely adhered to, and same lists as the last game. Massacred him...
Oh well... Guess some things aren't meant to be. On closer examination, the book example of a monster charging seems to depict a Slann attacking...
Everything I've heard from my game store has been High Elves/ Skaven.
I've started playing a large number of games with buildings as terrain pieces. It seems to me that the Slann's unit should be able to enter them....
Welcome aboard, pal. I'm sure you'll find this to be the most friendly and informative Warhammer site around.
Ok, that went well for the most part. Once again I was mislead by false recon reports and faced a Khorne/ Tzeench/ Nurgle army; my gullibility is...
The "siren song" ability has a range of 20", so it's easy for him to make you fail a charge and then counterattack. Of course, with a herald in...
After my spectacular and unexpected massacre against the Tzeench Daemons in our last league battle, I had hoped to breath easy for a bit and fight...
Good advice all around. From what I've heard MR in 8th edition is going to function more like a ward save for the protected unit, which should...