Just under a year ago, my best pal brought two of his younger cousins over and, without anyone explaining what they were doing, they spread out...
If it's got a ward save he hasn't been using it; I think that's something exclusive to the DoC book. The thing is, I'm not sure I want the...
Good advice there; any turn it's shooting at/ charging the skinks is one less it's causing problems for something else. I suppose keeping the...
Ok, can't handle any more suspense here...
It is, and I've been running a unit of two of them up till now. Unfortunately with a list as fast as this he's across the board and in combat...
Hellcannon got some different rules in the last book; it's only one rare slot, and the shot is S5 instead of S10, but it uses the big template...
My most frequent WoC opponent has done something really smart- he's come up with a nasty 1500 list and is running it repeatedly, getting better...
Just tried this in a game with 3 krox, one of them a champion... Meh. I hit a big line of Chaos Nurgle knights in the flank as they were...
Wow, thanks for all the feedback everyone. Feel free to take any ideas you see fit, I'd be honored. If I can get a hold of the camera again,...
Hmm... The little flags that come with Cold One Cavalry might work for that. Kind of like the Japanese warriors you see in history books with a...
You're right that the characters would have to charge out of the unit if they were in range and the saurus weren't. That will make things awfully...
I eagerly await... This sounds like a dynamite strategy.
With Temple Guard, the Slann is safe from challenges as he is not in combat- until they kill enough that he has to move forward. It really...
Well, make sure your unit champion and scar vet are on either side of him, and always challenge with one of them if there's a character in the...
First thing, drop the standard on the 12 ranked skinks. It's good to have in a huge unit, but for 12 it's basically giving the enemy 100 points...
Looks like a super fun list. What you've got there should come out to be 1007 points, so if you need to come in at 1000 exactly just drop a...
Hmm... So all your units shift to one side, move up to collide with the enemy, then punch through en mass back to the other side... I like it!...
Ah, don't sweat it buddy. But everyone does indeed know what rules and extras come with what, so do stick to the short version. That said, the...
That's a heck of a list. It sure is hard going back to Move 4 Saurus after getting used to the mobility our faster units offer. Could you...
I'd be proud of an army like that! It has a good, cohesive theme to it. I like your idea of a mated pair of salamanders, with different skin...