Good to have you. Welcome!
A good friend of mine, real short fella, used to pick fights with guys a lot bigger than him if they gave him any sort of a hard time. He won...
This is not the case. First, the Lizardman FAQ dealt with a singular razordon misfiring, not a group of them. Second, the army book says in the...
Welcome to the forum, and good to have you. I'm relatively new here as well, and I've found this to be hands down the friendliest, most helpful...
While 6x3 saurus is pretty standard, 6x4 can be a great setup depending on what you're playing against and how you position them. If I know I'm...
You're welcome, and thank you very much for letting me vent my frustration :bag:
Kroxigor work great all by themselves as a hammer unit, and have better maneuverability than skrox units. Skrox in my belief work better in a...
Glad to hear the list is working so well. Sometimes it's nice to skip over the everlasting Slann magic phase and get right into serious combat,...
No worries, you had it right. The book lists it as heavy armor, so 1+ save with shield & hand weapon; 3+ save when bear's anger is on.
I've been running a similar concept for my last four games, and it's a blast to play. I went with a lone slann for more mobility, but your temple...
I've tried this a few times, to mixed success. It works better keeping him in a unit of saurus or something, so you don't end up losing him to...
Ancient stegadon would count as my rare choice, eliminating the razordons... and their points would buy a lot of skinks. Hmm, that might be the...
I'd lean toward using Aura of Quetzel for a close combat oldblood. As in: Cold one BBoC Enchanted shield Aura of Quetzel Bane Head Light armor...
The other day my crew was called to take a bunch of big broken and decayed limbs out of the top of an old locust tree in front of a local...
Sounds like a concept with potential. Here's my two cents: For the points, I've never felt temple guard were worth it without a slann to give...
For a game under 2000 points you only need 2 core units. They want to see how everyone will do without being able to take a lord character, thus...
Well, on the plus side, Kholek and dragons have SS as well... If my stegadon and cold ones have to fry, so can they. Thanks for the feedback!
I ended up trading the cold one riders for 2 salamanders and 4 terradons at the tournament... It went basically the way I expected... either total...
Seems solid enough; here's my thoughts. 1) You can't take both bane head and blood statue with the Slann as he can only have one enchanted item....
Wow, looks spectacular! Is that a brown wash you're using to bring out the details of the gold parts? Also, congrats for painting them before...