If I understand the rumors correctly, skirmishers will still only be able to fire in 2 ranks. So 30 would never all be able to fire at the same...
Hehe, I'm with you on the erratas, I think it's because we already have a pretty good idea of what all is going to be in the 8th edition book....
It would have to be one heck of a stout carpet to bear the Slann's weight. The rumor I saw for flying carpet said something like, "infantry...
For reasons why NOT to do 64 skinks and 8 krox, please refer to the following spells. Flame cage - Can't move, or every model in unit takes str 4...
On the subject of "magic armies"... I don't think there will be such thing as an army without magic, except for dwarves. Whether you bring a...
I think the cards will be available after this initial release. The limited release things are the engineer set, gamer pack, and special edition...
That spell could decimate entire enemy armies if cast down a flank, moving up to 30 inches. I'm not 100% sure the magic carpet can be taken by a...
I am thinking the older army book lores will get increased casting values when the erratas come out. Otherwise they are indeed a boost. I also...
I keep hearing rumors that blowpipes are included under the "quick to fire" rule. If they are, then there is no reason to upgrade skirmishers...
Looks pretty similar to what I'm thinking of for 2250, just scaled up a bit. I am thinking MR3 on Slann will be a great third discipline. Dan...
I was thinking about dwarves in 8th edition the other day, which was my first army... originally thinking they would suffer, missing out on all...
For me, it is going to be hand weapon and shield all the way. Being very survivable is going to be key in this edition, because if you are...
I guess I'm sort of assuming the errata for lizardmen will move kroxigors and slann in mixed units to the 3rd rank, but I may be excercising very...