Yeah, that will always rear its ugly head. That's why you also take Terradons, and try to get them in combat with the anvil. It can't cast if it...
I think more than ever, you should actually change how you build your army based on what lore you will be taking. Some spells just complement...
Copy and pasted from my post on Podhammer forums... If you go by the exact letter of the rulebook, it is pretty clear, but a bit complicated. It...
The way I'd do it... If I roll up a "really bad" miscast, I'd try to use cupped hands first, then if that fails try for the throne of vines. If...
Summoned Monsters
I think throwing 7 dice at searing doom (6+1 for Rumination) would give a solid chance of IF or at least an insurmountable dispel value. Then...
There are a lot of little differences that make TG a bit better. They will be hitting at strength 5, weapon skill 4. They can also take a magic...
Dwellers Below won't work unfortunately, Stank automatically passes all characteristic tests except for initiative.
Level the playing field by taking two units of chameleon skinks and taking out his warmachines early. Always kill the organ gun first of course,...
Skinks are always a good buy. I think most every lizardmen player will find use for two boxes of 24 skinks. That way you can make a couple units...
Firstly, most Americans won't buy electric cars in their present form, so that part is a non-issue. Our government is even offering tax-credits...
I think you'll see Empire fielding a horde of halberdiers of about 40 with a warrior priest to give them hatred. Pretty hard hitting unit.
Another banner to consider is the flaming attacks banner. That way any hydras, abominations, treekin, etc won't get too cocky about attacking the...
Read the warmachine section again, it is crystal clear. The number of wounds a warmachine has is always equal to the number of crew remaining....
Stegadons would probably be better used attacking elsewhere. If you can't deal with the stank from range, the best bet is probably to bog it down...
There is a beast spell that causes the target unit to treat all terrain as dangerous, and it fails on a 1 or 2 instead of just 1. Cast this spell...
Yeah, I could not find that either. So while javelins went up in range to 12 inches, they now take the long range penalty. In 7th, all throwing...
I'm thinking a lot of it will depend on what upgrades you plan to give to your Saurus. If I am running shadow or metal magic, I would probably...
Lore of shadows has a couple tricks up its sleeve. Penumbral Pendulum will wound it on a 4+, and do D3 wounds while the mindrazor spell cast on...
Think of that on some empire crossbowmen, they basically become dwarf handgunners with better range.