Lord Slann BSB (Lore of Life) - Banner of Eternal Flame, Cupped hands, Bane head - Rumination, Mystery, Becalming Cogitation Hero Skink Priest...
Unfortunately, the stank still passes all leadership tests automatically except for initiative. The nerf it got was that it can be targeted with...
Just as an update, the new FAQ makes this spell very good. Strength 8 Saurus blocks sound good to me!
You sure could, and since they are contacting terrain they take D6 str3 hits. In addition, the fliers take an additional D6 str4 due to the lore...
It just dawned on me that since the kroxigors are no longer considered in base contact, they don't cause fear in the enemy. I think that the...
Heavens magic has some damaging spells that are good for dealing with many small units. Comet is a scary good spell now... adding strength to its...
Don't forget that normal hits have a 1/6 chance of wounding as well, in addition to poison. Probably 8 would get the job done, considering you...
That could potentially be disastrous, if the fleeing units rally and reform behind your army. But using terradons to guide panic is still a good...
Yeah, I can see how it would be a little bit daunting. Best way to learn would probably be taking a skink priest in a low point game. Just go...
While it is true blowpipes didn't get as big an upgrade as javelins, they have been upgraded indirectly now that skirmishers march and fire. They...
Welcome to warhammer fantasy. Lizardmen are a good introduction to the game, and can compete in all phases. Being the oldest of all the races,...
Heavens is a good support magic, and I think its augments and hexes stack well with those from your Slann. Forcing enemy units to reroll 6's to...
It's really crazy how the anvil of doom and the cauldron of blood are still warmachines in all respects... meaning they auto fail and are instant...
If you want to maximize "death by blowpipes", then you want Lore of Metal. Buff the skinks for not only armor piercing, but +1 to hit and magical...
There are disadvantages.. If you roll a 7 on your miscast, you only hurt them if you actually charged your mage into combat, since you need to be...
Not to mention that "web" hex is pretty broken and awesome. I'm liking Light as well, it's in my top 3.
I guess I glossed over that bit, terror in now a panic check. Sorry for misleading.
If they charge the chameleon skinks just flee and pray. They are going to die in combat very quickly. But they are very good for hunting enemy...
The Slann is amazing with the Focused Rumination. Take for example the worst magic phase possible. You roll double 1 on the winds of magic roll....
I believe he was referring to the situation where a mage gets lucky and rolls double 6 and doesn't get up to the casting value. I think his point...