Bloodlust actually allows you to reroll your charge rolls. That's still really good, it will allow you to more reliably get off the charges you...
I think it applies only to multi wound models, otherwise I think it would say you could resurrect things like the regrowth spell description....
War machines are not immune to panic, but rather hide under their machine for a turn and can't shoot. Also failing terror is separate from...
Yeah I guess it will be good for low strength troops fighting in large numbers.
Was reading this spell description again, and it appears that you only get the buffed strength for "to wound" rolls. Kinda kills the spell for...
A bit of each sounds good to me! Big chunk of the shooting will come from Salamanders.
Pit of Shades - The problem was that pit of shades would auto-kill the stank, since it automatically fails all initiative tests. That part hasn't...
Well played Skrox! My favorite post in a while.
Is it just me or is the table at the back of the book severely wrong? It totally conflicts with the restrictions in the magic section of the...
Someone at GW decided to read the Lizardmen army book, and saw that it was never intended to drop rocks on the charge. It clearly states "the...
I was a big proponent of units of 4 terradons in 7th edition, but this was due to the change that effects them the most. Unit strength is gone....
You are correct wolfmage, the steam tank has been nerfed. Lore of metal will cook it up nicely! Also the ability to effect it with debuffs makes...
I think that needs a FAQ. Maybe GW will decide the enemy loses dispel dice!
You would think it means no flying carpet, but they didn't specify why the Slann can't cast the spell. They could have just said, 'The Slann is...
Then no, anvil doesn't get sucked into the pit, Runelord and guards have to test.
Unfortunately it can't kill the steam tank, as the steam tank passes all characteristic tests automatically except for initiative. That steam...
Just as an update, I'm really enjoying the collector's edition. Really an awesome tome and fun to read from. Spell cards are extremely useful,...
I was thinking you were referring to 7th edition, since warmachines are very different in 8th. Now warmachines and crew are considered a single...
Not to mention if you get to close combat on the anvil or cauldron, you don't have to wound on T10!
Correct, this was in the FAQ (and still is!)