Checked the index in the rulebook, terradons are monstrous cav, so they get a stomp attack. An extra strength 4 hit automatically means they will...
The spell is for "caster on foot only". The Slann is pretty comfortable in his palanquin, don't think he'll be transforming into a "lesser...
The only things large target does now are.. 1. Not able to claim soft cover save from obstacles (fences etc.) 2. Extends inspiring presence/hold...
It's worth giving a shot in 8th edition, because of random charges now you might be able to get more charges off and take advantage of the impact...
Can only channel magic missiles through the skink priests. As far as I can tell, you WOULD still be ethereal if the Slann can transform himself...
Only if the Slann is considered "on foot", which while he is classed as infantry he usually is floating on a palanquin.. actually I wish they...
I think the book states (though I can't confirm) that "fight in extra rank" means you get an extra rank of supporting attacks. I believe "fight...
If you come up against dwarves with magical warmachines, you will want to hide the slann in a unit so that he can get a look out sir roll.
Against elves I wouldn't bother casting the big comet, just go for the regular. They are mostly toughness 3 anyway.. with not too much armor.
Large target still exists I believe.
Monsters can't be in units anymore.. also I don't think Slann can do the transform thing, as he is not "on foot".
On the upside, the Ancient Stegadon can stand and shoot with its blowpipes.. was this always the case and I'm just not remembering? With regards...
I think the new skirmishers will be useful still, being able to march and shoot, and reform basically just like fast cav, means they still...
I don't think the Slann can be where he is in the unit. They changed how units of varying base sizes work in mixed units. Since slann's base...
Can a unit have multiple buffs cast on it? Say Slann increases toughness on a skrox unit and then a skink priest casts harmonic convergence at...
A new question.. does shooting distance always measure from the front rank, even with skirmishers? So if the front rank of skirmishers is in...
Maybe they'll say TG can one-hand their halberds, since that's how the model looks. Yeah, I wish..
I think every army should have at least some magic now, because you always generate 2d6 power dice. You might as well have someone who can use...
Makes you think about taking a skink chief on horned one. That little guy has decent initiative.
When rolling to determine spells... if a double is rolled, do I get to choose a spell? Or just reroll?