Thanks for all the answers Xlcontiqu! It's almost like having the book already. I thought of a couple more... Starting to think of a death...
"4) What troop type is the Slann? 4. Infantry" Magic carpet Slann, here we come! Start your conversions.. New questions.. What are the...
I hate to say it, but if I'm being honest I think the effectiveness is going way down. With a move toward bigger units of troops, who cost less...
1) Can skirmishers march and reform like fast cav? 2) What is the "float" rule? 3) Can magic resistance be used against miscast damage (EG Slann...
No mention of blowpipes in the big book? I guess we'll have to wait for the army book FAQs.
Ancient steg, for the strength 6.
I was thinking sword of bloodshed and the strength potion. That way in the one round where he really needs to kill a big monster or tough armored...
Maybe the rule that says you "always have to use the magic weapon" overrides the "swap spear for handweapon"? Anyone with book access feel free...
So are you saying that cav units will be able to get the parry bonus? I thought that would be for infantry units only like in 7th..
Is the rule in there that if strength or toughness is ever reduced to 0, then the model automatically dies? I know it's a rule in 7th ed, but it...
For monstrous infantry supporting attacks.. do they get a max of 3 from the second rank or can they just fight as normal?
The carno will be pretty good for taking down heavily armored stuff, because now he will do d6 thunderstomp hits at the end of combat.
I'm interested in any changes in the monster rules. Do shots still randomize between stegadons and the skinks on their backs? What about...
Extremely pumped about it, can't wait to get all the FAQs and start putting together how the new game will work. The game itself seems like it...
I think they will be pretty good actually, with the ability to put the reroll to hit banner on them via the Slann, as well as all the buffs that...
Steadfast is the reason, and it also makes a fast ranked unit to take away rank bonus on enemy blocks.
They're different enough choices that you don't need to compare them. If your EotG gets into combat you are probably going to lose your skink...
I would fit a BSB in there, those are just going to be awesome in 8th. I would say drop the Oldblood and make your BSB a scar-vet in your warrior...
A couple that I have been toying with... Solo-Slann BSB-Rushing Banner Rumination, Mystery, Higher State of Consciousness Forbidden Staff,...
A lot of people like to have a flying skink priest through which the Slann can channel magic missiles. This is very helpful if your Slann is in...