I personally like to get my slann in on the action with lots of damage spells, with the exception of Shadow's movement ones. I'm a large fan of...
I'd say probably hardhitters. I played a decent army of them and used Salamanders to blast the less armored units to hell and had two units of...
Not much on the actual codex from what I've heard, but there are plenty of rumors (some confirmed) about it. There's a thread in this forum...
SKINKS! Ahem, I have faced a number of shooting-armies-of-death and I can say without a doubt, a powerful Slann and skinks can help. Big dinosaurs...
Personally, if I can afford them, since I take a lone Slann I use some of these buggers to defend him from potential fear-causers enough for me to...
That'd either take alot of swarms, a terrible roll on the HE's part, or some magic to help out. Cause there's no way other then SHEER luck that...
Never seen a single Ogre army with anything worth calling "magic". Not to mention the Butchers damaged themselves to the point getting rid of them...
The magical cannon you spoke of sounds like the Arcanodon, which I believe is a confirmed update. It's very similar to the Stegadon except the...
*Bows* Greetings...
If you look at Pit of Shades, it never gives Flyers the protection of wings. There is no such wording, my view on it is that hole opens underneath...
Just to make a quick note about this, you may think it's good to mass one lore (against some armies that are especially vunerable to only one...
I had a friend who stopped playing TK and gave his army to me, so I kinda sliced & diced his skeletons for bits.
Yes and no banner, if I could fit it, the Fear causing one for those irritating units that auto-break me every time
Not to intrude, but since your Saurus start off with Hand Weapons and keep them along with the newly bought spears, I was lead to believe the...
Ha, I say kill the Fat bastard with a good ole' Pit of Shades from a ticked off Slann. Doesn't matter if he has 3 unmodifiable 2+ save, he'll die...
Well, against undead and Deamons you usually want to take Light, though a quick note before I continue is that Slann usually excel best when you...
Chameleons can usually pick them off swiftly or screen with that nasty -2 if required. Personally I use skink scouts as an up-close and personal...
Green stuff painted right might do the trick...in fact, now that I think about it, you might get glue to do that if under the right circumstance....
Man, I'm just getting cash for Christmas, lol, Feb. is GOING to be Christmas
Hehehe, I still remember the time I took out an Orc player's general with some chameleons in a river, muahahahahahaha!!!