Amen to what Sohcahtoa said
Good luck!
Ok, it's a pretty good build, firstly I'll start off by saying your Chief can't even take Dispel scrolls, not a wizard. Secondly, you might...
Skinks will often kill the annoying beast, but if his save is too high, say like a Star Dragon, all of those beasts usually have a low Initiative....
No, you may never charge while shooting with any unit in the game, firstly. (to my knowledge) And secondly, it counts as a war machine, so it...
I'd suggest waiting. No one is really sure what in the world's going on as far and models being redone, so sit back and save up $.
What they mean is instead of having two attacks like the front rank, spears would only contribute 1 attack, instead of two. It's easier to think...
I recently fought a rather decent Vampire player for the first time (lots of nasty suprises) but still managed to kill him quickly enough. First...
Damnit....I really want this book to come
Well, I recently played in a large tournament where every game my opponent found Steed of Shadows amongst my spells. I also easily managed more...
I've only left home for a big tourny once without my two units of 4x Kroxigors...a mistake I never made twice...
Well...isn't the problem with that that Scouts are technically placed after the deployment? Cause I've played in alot of GW shops even recently...
In the games I played, I always field 40 skinks with all of them being scouts and deploy them more as lures for my opponent. Although javs are not...
I play a HE player quite often who loves fielding 4 bolt throwers and a Star Dragon and I can tell you he RARELY wastes his time on my slann and I...
I'd agree on that front. Although personally I'm a bigger fan of Chameleons, that's just through my personal experiences with them. (Though...
What? Anyone have a link to the FAQ? *wonders* Where do we even find out about FAQs? Been playing for flipping ages and never heard about...
Ok, good list, the one problem I see is that you're throwing all of your eggs in one basket for the most part. If your opponent brings along war...
Firstly, a strong list no doubt. One thing you might consider is giving your Slann the Plaque of Dominion (+1 power and dispel dice) and you would...
If you can, I'd seriously suggest throwing a JSoD in there. A scar-Veteran with Mv 9 not only distracts you opponents from the slann, but it will...
I recently fought a Wood Wolf player last week and depending on exactly what your facing holds the key. Although for me, I fielded a buffed up...