Well I play High Elves with hordes of Dp's charging at me...so...I always played acid!
Due to the hole in the rules in this case, that might be up to you and your opponent or tournament leader if you have one. In my opinion, I'd say...
Hey everyone! I've got great news. My and my High Elf pal recently discovered a gaming group within our school that uses every army except for...
btw, 2250 game if anyone was wondering.
Alrighty then, we had the battle a few days ago, so this information is...mostly accurate. Here we go! Lists: For High elf list, please visit...
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll stick with the CoF's due to LOS and avoiding the dragon, plus silver helms have a 2+ save and their leadership is...
Thank you all very much, me and my friend are about to clash and see what happens. And the spells suggestions are wonderful! @Daeghrefn I can...
Thank you all very much. I do want to ask though, does anyone think that maybe I'm pumping too many points into that CoR's unit? They cost almost...
Hey everyone. Name's Dalkarius, and I've been playing Lizardmen for a little over 5 years now. I like to think myself a rather decent Lizardman...
I play some RTS, but the thought of using Tyranids (which to my twisted mind are the evil version of lizzes kinda combined with the damned Skaven)...
I'm going for WAR all the way, already Pre-Ordered and everything. The game looks amazing and they did an AMAZING job at sticking to the Warhammer...
Hey there! This is Dalkarius back from his victory dance about how to kill a dragon. Firstly, I will provide the list of my opponent, then I...
AH-HAH! It finally occured to a few moments ago while I was reading through some magic lores, Pit of Shades would ruin the dragon! The Star Drsgon...
oh! Missed the CO part, sorry bout that.
I played a siege back a year or so for a remake of the Albion campaign (so I'm not sure if the rules are the same) and for attacking I was allowed...
Thank you all very much for the suggestions. I've actually tried most of those ideas, the main problem is the dragon causes terror and Scouts with...
Ok, first of all, I'm Dalkarius and I've been kind of trigger happy with my posting since I recently discovered this site and love seeing all of...
I bought a Carnosaur a while back (Kroq-gar model) and it's fun to field, though my HE opponents Star Dragon is much more frightening in my...
I agree with Stonehambly, in fact I'm 100% sure he's right. You lose that extra rank on the charge, so with Saurus armed via spears you'd be...
Uh...a quick question about your post, SohCohToa, I believe that Krox don't have the Stupidity rule. I've the book right in front of me to make...