I made a nice rust color using snakebite leather then dry brushing it silver. To make it look a little more corroded you can glue some sand to it...
The saurus warriors (not Kroxigors) are from Reaper yes, they are called Reptus, this post is from a year ago and was more for diplaying the army...
Re: 300 point club - February Submissions due by March 7th! Very nice
Re: 300 point club - February Submissions due by March 7th! yep
Also thanks about with the comment on the Slann , I thought I did good on him
Ya I've been doing that lately and will likely do it again if I take pictures of him again.
I think you are stuck with LOS of the stegadon
Here is the Warband as of Feb 20th Here's the warband as of week Feb 20th. Nyx the skink Priest, Kryx the Skink Brave, Slaxar (with the mouth...
Re: 300 point club - February Submissions due by March 7th! Here's my submisson for this month The Dwarven Graveguard The Wight Lord The...
Ya most of my army is reaper, so it isn't tournament legal
Yep cannon balls hurt
Sammy the Squib = Stonehamby he just changed his name
He didn't he is a Reptus model from Reaper Miniatures
Very cool army, love the reaper mini
Every new army book that comes out excludes dogs of war as warhammer is looking to get rid of them all together. As for the horned one, ya its...
You need to have a pic in your profile
It should be easy to convert those guys, that's nuts that there no gw there. I also use mostly Reaper Mini's for my army. Reptus for my Saurus...