Sweet! Though new to lizardmen, you got a pretty good ide on how to paint it seems ;) Really like your weapons! and your crests on the skinks is...
As my lists is no, Chakax would be great to have in my Temple Guard unit! Although the First Character I'll buy will probably be Mazdamundi. He's...
Thats one bad saurus! Sounds like Malekiths sword "Destroyer"if I recall correctly..
Yeah I know, the Spirit of Forge spell is extremly powerfull and effectiv when fighting armored units. Too bad about you failure though, and best...
Yeah, chaos can be really tough in small matches >2000. With no Slann, it get's even more tricky then fighting big games.. I would suggest LOTs of...
That's just one tactic. Another one is populary called refused center wich basicly is putting your stronges units one your flanks and the weaker...
You can find some pretty good picks on our site here
Hmmm, I think I'll reconsider Cavalry in my armylist with such a banner :)
You're absolutely right. Stay away from those warriors. They just whan't listen when you try talk reason with'em.. Skinks are awsome when...
Dalkarius is right. If you planing to field Kroak, you could place him at the back at you deplyment zone and send some priests out for him to...
Basically you paint your army in whatever colour you whant. GWs scheme is just a suggestion anyway, so if you like red, that shouldn't be a...
Welcome to the site man, great to have you share your pool of wisdom :)
Welcome :)
Never really considered taking that old toad to battle becous of his high cost. But if you du, I would very much like to hear how it worked :)
Welcome abord! Hope you find your time around the site funn and helpfull :)
Vs. Warriors of Chaos: Take out his knights! Roll out spells from Lore of Metal and hopfully you'll get Spirit of the Forge. Anyway, you got the...
Well, we're all learning by shareing exp on sites like this. And you learn as long as you live :) By the way, sorry if my first comment was a...
Well you got 3 priests all of them equipted for spesific tasks and situations, but chances is low that right priest is in right place at the right...
You already have 4 special choises, so you cant add chamelions or other Specials. First of all I would say you have a general good ide. Though...
You know, there is two ways to field a Nike Saurus. Either give him th Charm of th Jaguar Warrior, OR keep him near the slann and throw him of...