My army was: GENERAL: Slann 2nd.gen. : Plaque of Tepok, battle standard, war banner 525 pts "Xzul-Xeltza, defender of the...
Thats right. Thanx for the add kroxigor01:)
A skink or slann can also join a unit of kroxigors. Only exception is unit of skirmishers. They can only be joined of characters with a unit...
You can't move in a direction you can't see the same way as you can't charge in a direction you can't see. Therefor yes, he would have to turn...
I'm not sure if I understand your question but any character can join any unit, if that was what you ment..
Allowed myself to move your topic to the rule section :) To your questions: 1) I don't have my rulebook here at the moment, but I think that...
I agree with asrodrig, was a bit sceptical to the new steggi. The old one was(and still is) one of my favorit figures, but starting to geting...
Much to do, and less time to do it in... Propably gona take me like a year or 2 to finish my army... Hopefully I'll get something done this...
I just made me some hills and forests to place out. (We usually play at my place ;) ) Regarding Slanns it should be enough to buy Divine Plaque of...
Re: Think about starting Lizardmen If you havn't yet, take a look at the armylists at this site to help you get some ideas. Also, start by buying...
hmm I understand, but I still think that such a movment wouldn't be coordinated enough for a unit to actualy move through another an pop out on...
Lol! I would love to see a saurus regiment throw down their weapons hitn' it to da groove :D An animation anyone?
Yes, but I was refering to general compulsary moves and not to fleeing units. I've never played vs goblins and don't know the animosity rule. Is...
1: Your only allowed to reform round the center of the unit, and no model must move more then twice their movement. 2: Have had the same issue in...
Music is more like a lifestyle than a hobby to me, so gues it doesn't count :rolleyes: I study to be a professional clarinet player. Other then...
The same is done with some of my early painted skinks. I've given them unique tattooes and divided each unit in different color to represent...
Never playd O&G and doesn't know the greenskins at all, but I will assume they don't have the highest armor save. My best trick to counter...
Wow, I'm really looking forward to get my hands on this book!
No worries. Took care of your triplepost there ;)