My bad. Never playd warband rules, so can't help with my experience there.. Although I would probobly take a scar-vet just to give your skinks and...
Serpent's Kiss by Symphony X pretty much adds up the Lizardmen :D
Here is a 500 pts list I have used a couple of times: GENERAL: "Loqkai of Pahuax" Scar-Veteran: Biting Blade 107 pts Enchanted...
I hail from The Frozen Throne of Norway, although the ice are melting. It's a good day to be a lizard
Merry Christmas everyone!
Fought them once, and was massacred.. Did some essential errors though. Had 2 units with saurus and forgot to move my stegadon in round 2. Guess...
Thanx Lounge_Lizard! I agree
But the problem is when the unit IS within charge range. Take a look at this: xxxxxx 000000 SSSS...
Re: Started Painting Today! Realy nice job!
...And your list cost 366 pts, so it's actually useless...
You can't have both Venom of Firefly frog and Bane head. Check out rules for magic items
As I interpret the rule I would say 2" is the limit, meaning you can see and charge at 2", but not more than that
Yeah, I thought so too... And in the case with the giant, I think Dalkarius is right and just quote him: "If you'll notice the bulls-eye mark on...
Your BSB must be in the fighting row for you to benefit from him, like it is for any character or command group.
This is what I would have used: Oldblood light armor, enchanted shield, bane head, Glyph neclace itzl, mark of the old ones, quetzl, ride...
I agree. It's much like when playing a RPG game, you choose a character with class and race abilities. It would be boring if all the classes and...
Look at my signature. It is pickt from the Lizardmen armybook and is part of the prophecy of Sotek. Now, in the Warriors of Chaos book, something...
Ah, shooty elves I see.. Not easy to face with slow lizards. I was masacered a few weeks ago by a 2000 dark elves shooter army. Maybe some units...