I always go with blowpipes, but thats just me. Thanx to 12" x2 attack, I find it way more deadly. I think that vs. greenskins, javelin might work...
Yes, then we agree :)
Ok, so that cuts 650 pts.. and that can dramatically change your armys approach. Here is a 2000 pts list I have yet too try out, but that I...
Your saurus cost 210 pts, Saurus Cavalry cost 175 pts and I think Your scar-vet is costing 153 pts... Anyway, good list you got there
First, You dont get mount bonus when riding monsters ec. carnosaur. You then have a 4+ save on the carno, and a regular save depending on the...
Check my post for the -1 save ;)
But, you can take shield to be able to switch from offencive to defencive. Right? just as the temple guards...
You should also think of what you would like to paint. (I don't know if your familliar with miniatures and painting, so I'll assume not, correct...
1. It was late, so we didn't bother to look it up, but I'll make him check in his book. 2. My question was for units within charge distance. I...
Mostly I take spears evt. Magic weapon myself. 3 pts for thouse shields are just to cheap to give away. Besides I often take enchanted shield if I...
Hmmm, Hope they don't dwindle too far from the original Lizardmen concept of mustering the most powerful caster in the Warhammer game... I also...
Reason for Batallion boxes, starter sets and the like is to lure new customers into the realm of Warhammer as well as to sell to people who maybe...
I don't think that's correct. You can have as high armor save as it goes, but a roll of 1 always fails. pp.30 ec. I have an Oldblood on cold one,...
I just played a 3k chaos warriors army and a few problems poped up.. 1. Can chaos spawns pursue? 2. What happens if a frenzied unit can see an...
Any skink is carrying a hand weapon, and the javelin/blowpipe is just aditional weapons. pp. 60 in Lizardmen book.
Can't confirm, but from what I see on other forums, there seemes like GW don't make spearheads anymore... To bad, becouse I was going to buy one...
Ah! Knew I had seen the rule somewere! Thanx lizards ;)
If a unit has shield and hand weapon, he get 5+ armor save. What about skinks with blowpipes and handweapon? Do they get a 6+ save? couldn't find...
Ok, thanks :) Always playd closed list myself, but sice the armybook hints to choise of color for spesific spawnings I thought maybe that would...
Do you inform your opponent of sacred spawnings after deployment before start playing a battle? Or anything else in your armylist? Can't find a...