5+ save?
Yes, dalkarius I'm aware, and maby vs chaos knights was a bad example. Still my swarms has never let me down. They has taken down enemy light...
I take some swarms in almost every lizzy army. Hence to their exelence in protecting thouse flanks, in can get some counter charges, get time to...
Hmm, didn't know that.. Thanx didleoman :)
Thanx! This was new to me. What about characters on foot joining cavalry? Is that also alowed?
Can BSB/General join Kroxis?
Word of adwise: Strike fast and ruthless! For every turn you use on march, the WE are gaining victory points... If you go for big blocks of...
At 2k, this IS a hard hitting force, but I wonder; can a cold one riden Oldblood join a Saurus Warrior unit?
Welcome to the dens, cold blooded realm of Lustria-online :)
I really don't see the big issus with scrolls when playing lizzardmen. I know that many would dissagree with me here, but as I see it and with 8(...
Do you have any suggestions against a such flying wizard?
good point! just changed my list and after adding Kroq-gar I forgot :)
Hmm, actually never thought of Terradons in these ways, thanx SohCahToa! Think I'm gona go over some of my army lists to see if I can get a few...
This is my first 3k match and I'm very exited with this army list I put together. I know my opponent just bought the Dragon character and Wulfrig,...
Thats sick! Sorry, my condolence.. But still! Wow :P No, seriously I'm thinking of Lore of Metal, and to try to keep away from the most...
Never take more than 4 in a unit. They will never have a vital role in my armylists, just an ace up my sleeve to have a go for easy prey ;)
Brilliant analysis! Never played Ogre Kingdom, but I can see that a tyrant is quit a match in CC.. I suggest a rain of fire from both shooting and...
Havn't tested this army yet, but think I would go for something like this. Never playd Dwarfs before, but this army was designed to get Chaos...
Well, other then the stupidity, you got 3+ armor save: not really good for heavy cavalry; they cost just 5 pts less than a chaos knight.. I don't...