The Dispel Scroll may serve you better than the talisman. Small games can be more easily swayed by a crazy spell going off. That will give you...
Welcome to L-O! Your just in time for some lizard themed dice as well!
Looks like I'm typical, lol. Light every time if I have to have a preference. Severely miss having loremaster however. Light covers our...
Comedy, comedy, murder and pillage. Daily Show Colbert Report Vikings Samurai Jack is a great series too however.
Northern North America
Word on the street that ES6 will be in the Black Marsh... Lizards ahoy!!
Wow, I don't know how I missed this thread. Those are amazing.
Yeah, not GW. Prior to the old Slab Saurus, all our models were froggies. With lobotomized slaves to do our dirty work. Ahh, the good old days......
That looks good, thanks!
Depends on the wingspan... On the Size and Flight Diversity of Giant Pterosaurs, the Use of Birds as Pterosaur Analogues and Comments on...
Agreed, your list looks decent. I would try to keep your Stegadon somewhat close to your Saurus if you can. They'll need each others help...
Don't you hate it when your opponents superstitious "luck" rituals continually make him lucky? Or conversely make you unlucky!?!?!?! I hate Skaven...
@SilverFaith's avatar will forever be a secret.
@Slanputin, when I quote the original post the gif works just fine. Not an ideal fix but it works. [ATTACH]
Yeah, the Slann is the wizard for this effect. The Skink is just there for the ride.
Our lizards are secretly infiltrating all the other races. Ensuring their magics are inferior to ours. Designs are being sent to Chessex. We'll...
[ATTACH] Check out the ocean up here. You can walk out for a few miles. Just mind the SeaMoose.
Blood and gore: I've seen players made banners for the...
I want to say no, but I don't have a reason to back it up. :sour:
The talent available on Lustria-Online never ceases to amaze me.