Well, no book on me right now. I believe this concept is discussed under the entries for Multiple Wounds, Removing Casualties, and Characters. I...
Keep it friendly here, guys. Personal attacks are never warranted. Is there anywhere we can go to see the lists that were used? I hear talk of...
A cap on ward saves, huh? Interesting rule.
#2 is correct. A fleeing unit has to flee if it's charged. If it's caught, it's destroyed.
You have to differentiate units from unique models like characters. The problem is that the Carnosaur is going berserk on a UNIT, not a model....
Hey, that's awesome. Though the "soft" pool for Lizards didn't seem totally fair. Gor-Rok, SV Carno's, and the Engine are still pretty solid...
Yeah, miscasts stink. Lol. It has to happen every once in awhile to keep us LM generals in check. Your next rite of passage is losing a Steggy to...
That's it! Think of the Kroxigor as having a "pool" of wounds. For every 3 wounds you lose, 1 Krox is taken. That's why Stegs with Sharpened Horns...
At least we got access to the old FAQs again.
Welcome to the forum!!! Double dinos are indeed pretty cool. Good choice. Your army list looks.... not so competitive. I would pick either the...
Re: Tehehauins glorios army I think swarms are ok. I've not used Tehenhuain in this new book, so I don't really know what to tell you for his...
Welcome back to the land of the Lizards! I recall facing Nagash in a few battles back in the day... Back then the Slann had 8 attacks and was WS 9...
For a 2400/2500 pt army, you're lacking on models a little bit I think. I can see a list I would take with those models, but I doubt it'll be very...
The 2nd way is correct. Slann will benefit from a 2++ vs magic while his unit gains 5++ vs magic. The only way to transfer a ward save to an...
Welcome to the forum! Always nice to see a fellow 5th edition veteran.
Can you use a Ward Save against crumble like that? I thought the rules for Unstable meant auto-wounds. EDIT: I guess that was answered in the...
Well congrats! Kinda. Looking abck over your list, you might be better suited to drop your Oldblood down to a Scar-Veteran. You can make a...
I think all of us have strayed from our main army at one point or another. I've had a short fling with Beastmen, Daemons, and a large hiatus with...