count yourself among them :) there are good chances to win even with the random draw :)
That's okay I really like your painting a lot you know about the golden serpent competition right?
Tehe - Scholarly/knowledgeable Hau - Hunt/Mist in - (Don't know this but perhaps it means he's game for a hunt :P or he's a dragons den investor)...
Even kroak is a pun on the frogs/toads and when you die theres a saying about croaking it or something :P
Named my Entry too bad I can't even share that with you yet :P
Sorry for radio silence in this blog - the first thing I'm acutely working on I'm unable to show due to competition rules
Too bad its for the masters category - darn it
I see very helpful thank you :D @NIGHTBRINGER @Bowser
It was like a small flat one some larger longer flat one and two others I can't recall - I ordered some online slightly more at 4.99 - you can get...
Ah ha interesting :) - I really need the core rulebook I think :P and is this the only bonus it gives?
It says a Skink priest can become a level 2 Wizard what does this mean for him?
They may have been on sale - i'll kick myself if they're not there when I go next Tuesday
@NIGHTBRINGER no no your advice is invaluable I saw someone using the silicon thing in a tutorial - I was planning on getting some I saw a pack...
An impossible task I fear ;)
Below the belt @Bowser you know I don't have any paints or brushes ...*sobs uncontrollably*
I thought it was hard to work with not least of all because I had to have scuba equipment on whilst working with it ;) - My fiancé got me some...
It comes with a strip of like 55/60 yellow 35-40 blue so maybe that's it but sometimes it dries a nice dark green :) and hmm thanks ill use less I...
I do have a question actually - I think I use too much water when I'm working with it as bits seem to come off in the water and it dries a lime...
I've only managed to make like 2...1? good thing wit it :P I dare not try any serious work yet other than some gap filling I did
Pray to Lord Tombo that he might release one of his captives unto you