I'm new to greenstuff so learning as I use it - also thinking what other things I may need to order means I might have limit on time aswell but I...
Made some more things with greenstuff towards my competition conversion entry - it's evolving and changing as I found out my limitations with the...
They have a character called Itzi-Bitzi and pretty much most named Lizardmen are jokes of some kind - Tictakto is one I think for swups rider? I'm...
Personally I'd play this rule as summoning only works to summon units across battlefields - the engine of the gods fills the summoning from...
One use only kinda suggests they eat a whole gourd full of grubs all at once :P
You're right there is a quote like that or exactly that :D overdose do you think?
Is that just paper and a cardboard box?
When I got some ripperdactlys and the other flying one terradon the guy had glued 2 pence pieces to the bottom of the base for balance it works...
Woah these are expertly done :) my favourite shield are the worn out ones making them look like they've seen battles :D
Sorry for the possibly misleading title I know what they are just not what they look like :P So I google Itxi grub to get a rough idea of what...
Thanks :D
Wasn't egg of Quango specific to Mazdamundi? - I started reading it thinking cool he's custodian of a rare Egg how very interesting indeed - until...
Magic items: up to a total of X points - can someone help explain does this include magic amour/weapons/arcane/talismans/enchanted/banners ?...
I own like 9 Slann - let the summoning commence :D
All impressive entries :D
I'd like to volunteer to explore these amazon babes further
Welcome to the forums always nice to meet new people :D
very good point are they any rooms in your house we don't know about you could use?
This is a good point I hate not knowing if someone gets an email or something etc :)
I want your models ^.^