It said the Slann tell the Lizardmen not to go near them but they are in Lizardmen territory already - perhaps it is different if the women come...
Because their abilities to make terrain pretty much lies in oh lets make a tree and plonk it on an empty board :P
Yeah you have one from me ^.^
this is one of the rule sets the Dewback thunderlizard creator made there was a revised edition the thread too-...
the first two are from the book im reading :) I was thinking if they're not going to bother solidifying the layout of other places perhaps we...
you did this quickly I'm really like the centre guys pose :D
-which older models do you deem nice :)? I bid on reasonably priced ebay joblots mostly - I can't always afford the better deals for higher...
That'd work really nicley :D
The words of the wise @Jorgik have been spoken long ago and reverberate to this day for it was foreseen that the one they call SlanntaClause would...
I thought the base looked like a barren wasteland but I agree it might need something to raise it a little and blend the eye easily into the model...
Just drop them into battlefields attached to thousands of space marine drop pods :P
In the supplement I'm reading at the moment published 1997 and reprinted 1999 with corrections it says on page 13 "When large numbers of warriors...
Thats a really cool base I might try something like that in the distant future
These are really cool :D
This is on page 31 of one my Lizardmen books its a layout of the moon city - I can get a better copy sometime if your ambition is still to make a...
I got mine in the job lot with Kroak and some others I posted awhile go but he forgot to send it so sent it now :) - They were 12.50 or something...
In terms of pouring I'm not sure maybe build it a basing that can easily be filled away or cut off after? I'm not sure sorry
I watched this video the other day - [MEDIA]
Yeah amongst other things :) Its my first ever lot so will need to experiment /learn how to work with it
Ikr if I find a large scale dinosaur I'd attempt something like that