Got 3 things in the post: 1) Skink priest [ATTACH] 2) Oxayotl/ Oxoyotl [ATTACH] 3) GREENSTUFF WOO00 [ATTACH]
Your gemstones on it are amazingly colour popping :D and I really like the grey for the skin like rock makes him look harder :)
I do a lot of shaving when I cut my models of the sprue I use the blade to slice thin layer of plastic off at a time so it would be nice to shape...
You could have them go unnoticed in a hidden temple/ruin for so long that their numbers grow and they are somewhat of a threat? if the Lizardmen...
Time to Sprue-ce (spruce) things up... just wanted to work that in xd [ATTACH] So I always think this excess plastic is wasteful - In the past...
Wow I really like the stonework on those guys bases not to mention the painting detail on themselves :D
Haha yeah xd I wanted to make one with the Ark and one with the Gem thing - next one I get I can vary - I was going to make one that could swap...
Keep at it @Stefblo you'll make it we have faith :D
I think the Dewback just became my new most wanted thing :P
Oh wait 80cm - that may not be him xd Edit - certainly looks like the model though cant find my measuring tape for size
It makes a great thunder lizard with the exception of it not fitting the description of the dinosaur but the sizing is great and what you can do...
I've seen it on this forum before I'm sure most likely in a previous Thunder Lizard conversation :)
I've seen this before - was it yours @NIGHTBRINGER ? I've probably scanned past it looking through threads its so cool - what toy/model did you use?
This is a 6mm scale one: [ATTACH]
If money isn't an issue then invest in a toy cover it with greenstuff then make a mould of it then you can make more of it :P
@Warden found this: This is pretty good idea for scale (Huge :P) or just a nice idea for reference - the models I was looking at were Natural...
Loving this + the battleships in the background / big shipping ships really make the image that much more believable :D
looks like a pose for a walking cane/stick or maybe holding a small frog or something :P
Just had this in my email: " As the world of 3D scanning grows, a question we (and by "we," we mean our resident lawyer Michael Weinberg) get...