Everyone can get lucky rolls, or just played well, because of experience. Basically every unit is gonna be called OP at some point
Yes, but that would make the starfall shard a poor choice for characters on foot and the like.
The ancient dragon actually has toughness 7
Agreed. The ancient dragon should still have a price cut though. our saurian warlord on an alpha carnosaur is 375 points, while a high prince on...
I think the Alpha needs a minor nerf then, and the ancient dragon a price cut and nothin done to the small carno, as it to me seems potentially...
It is a bit sad, given I love the Carnosaur, but maybe the Ws 4 would be a good solution. Although we as Lizardmen do have more problems fielding...
Are you saying the alpha Carnosaur gets nerfed in the next update?
Maybe Jaguar Warriors upgrade would be better for the Saurus Warriors. Then they will have movement 6, and be able to keep up with the Taurosaur.
You won't be disappointed
Well, that is a problem, hadn't thought about that. although it will still probably crush them in the following turns, but the opponent of course...
So I fooled around a bit with trying to create a good build. There really ain't a lot of magic item options that are worth taking, but that is...
Yes I know, but with the Carno and Taurosaur, there is hardly any room for magic. And only 1 scoring Unit might be a problem, but with 35 and...
The idea for list 4 was basically to get as many monsters with impact hits in the list, to try and win combat just by charging, and if needed I...
Maybe it's just because people have wanted it to work for so long,and now they can use the "skrox" unit effectively?
Of course. Is that better, or should I make it more compact?
The way I read it, is that you only need to hit, no need to wound or anything
:) for you n810, I have written their 8th names in brackets
I just thought I would sahre my list ideas for a smal upcoming fun-get to know the game tournament I am going to. To see which list you guys (and...
Well, with how the Oldbloods command ablilty is worded, I think you could actually make the Carnosaur have 2 extra attacks with eiterh claws or...
They look really good. I do not personally like to paint blood on my models, but this seems to have been executed very well.