Fair enough. I think the new rule is fine and have nothing against it, but I did like Bloodroar. What if it just gave, I don't know -2 ld for Fear...
Why was it that the Carnosaurs Bloodroar was removed? Was it too powerful overall, or with terror tests or fear tests, or did you just feel that...
Right I hadn't thought about that. Maybe I should do some more Photoshop to get an idea of how it looks.
That is wierd, one would think that a monstrous infantry character wouldn't be a problem in our army.
He is a tricky one. Make him like you want him to be and he becomes too expensive, but tone him down and he easily comes out as a bit misplaced.
Yeah, why not, it could work, to make them stand out a bit (a lot actually). I will have to think it through, but there definately are a lot of...
Welcome! I don't think anyone will hate on you because you love the new system, but all might just not agree with you.
I thought of making everything Saurus white with red scales, and everything Skink white with blue scales, and then have a couple of high ranking...
Thanks :D What I am a bit worried about with these colour schemes is that it might become too much white or black/dark when it is a whole army....
I have been thinking, since 9th age is coming along, and I have at times fantasized about different colour schemes. Now seems to be a good time...
Welcome Balasch Now certainly sin't the worst time to get into the hobby, with the 9th age beta. Hope you have someone to play with in Austria....
Is there a possibility that more spawnings might come in the future?
Does that mean it might be done tomorrow?
This is what all Lizardmen miniatures should be modelled after.
Ditto! It looks amazing, if you are going to sell these, I really want one. Regarding the pose, well, I don't think it is that big of a deal,...
All of these seem interesting. I could see myself using all of them, there isn't really a bad choice now. Of course it ultimately still depends...
What video are you talking about?
So what? the Slann have smoked some foul stuff and now their hallucinations are so strong that their hallucinations become real?
I guess we just love threads
I played it once, and I just have to say that I did not enjoy it as much as I enjoy playing 8th or soemthing similar like 9th age. I might end...